True Humanity


A week ago, we went to an orphanage with my family and friends where we have spent some good and quality time with these deprived children and arranged them food. After going there when we were talking to the children and their caretaker, it was revealed that this orphanage has been running for the last eight years without any government help and caretaker was independently running the orphanage. During our discussion with caretaker it was known to us that he tried to register this NGO in order to get some financial assistance from government and gave money to a person who cheated him and gave fake registration paper but later on registration was done after the intervention of District Magistrate last month.

Think how this world is becoming too much greedy that people do not even care to cheat and exploit the person who is genuinely running the orphanage and providing selfless services to the orphan children. In such a scenario it seems that existence of humanity will be vanished soon. 

The world is changing so fast and close knit of the society decreases every day, while talking to the administrator of that orphanage, it came to our knowledge that children living there, have been brought from the railway station, some abandoned by their parents, some are there  due to poverty and some left there by their father due to the second marriage. One of the unique case was discussed about a child whose Aadhar card enrolment was going on and during the Aadhar registration process it was disclosed that child already had an Aadhaar card registration number. With the help of the child's first Aadhaar number, child was handed over to his parents after eight years later.

There are stories about all the children like this which needs to be shared with the wide public platform so that these lost children can be reunited with their real parents and also provide some much needed financial assistance to this NGO for the selfless services to the humanity. I personally feel that this person is thousand times better than us who is selflessly taking care of these children. There are many people in our society who have millions of rupees and still craving and running after money for such people humanity has become void. After feeding the children of the orphanage and spending a few memorable hours with them, we left for our home with a number of unforgettable memories and plenty of desires to extend more support and help for such unsung hero of our society for their selfless services.

Salute to the caretaker of the orphanage, because of such people humanity is alive in this world , otherwise the people’s heart has turned to stone


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